Saturday, July 4, 2009

just a minute in...july

wow. it's been nearly a whole month since my last post. i really thought i'd post again before my next JAM. i do like what i've done with the place since then, though. film theme (complete with a better header!), buttons off to the side, links to my other sites, who knows what i'll do next? :D

finishing... pe! my last day is this coming thursday!

watching... a little ant friend crawl on my computer (it's a tiny little sugar ant, so i don't mind).

enjoying... the anime series my friend introduced me to last night called toradora.

missing... all my friends from other states that i've met through my youth group (we had our big bi-regional rally last weekend; i'll share photos in another post.)

reading... nickel and dimed (still). i haven't finished i capture the castle yet, either, but i can't renew it anymore so i have to turn it in.

  • excited for the international youth conference later this month.
  • sad that one of my best friends is moving to washington dc (probably) next month. (that's quite a ways from where i live).
  • melancholy about my ipod, who always seems to have a different ailment. (she turned three years old a couple weeks ago; my friend keeps telling me i need to get a new one, but it's not quite that simple)

needing... more jean shorts

listening... to a bunch of random music lately. mostly just whatever shows up when i shuffle my summer playlist, which is quite long. this morning i woke up with creeper by islands stuck in my head, though, so i'm listening to that right now.

i apologize for another photo free post. i'll try to fix that as soon as possible.

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